I Used the X95™ to Defend My Country

An IDF Solider on His Experience Using the X95™

At IWI US we believe that bench rest shooting and keyboard heroics aren’t the true test of a rifle’s character. That character is best defined by those who’ve shed blood, sweat and tears using that rifle to defend their lives, the lives of their brothers and the freedom of their country. We were able to interview an IDF soldier about his experience using the TAVOR® X95™. The soldier chose to remain anonymous. Read his account below:

“I currently serve in the IDF in the Orev Nahal, a special unit of Nahal. I’ve used the Micro TAVOR® during all of my service and my experience has been remarkable. That rifle has gotten me out of trouble many times. The accuracy is excellent and it has an amazing range for being such a small rifle. That small size is a big advantage and makes it a lot easier to carry it for long distances. Believe me, we used to walk a lot and having a small and compact weapon made life a lot easier.

The reliability is fantastic. One winter it was raining and there was mud everywhere and anywhere; we had to walk and crawl through the mud and the X95™ got filled with mud, small rocks and all the dirt you can imagine. We ended up getting into an engagement and had to fire and the weapons fired each time without having any malfunctions.”

– IDF Soldier, Orev Nahal